At some stage in most girls lives, they are going to want a princess party, and of course it will be necessary to have a princess cake.  Here are a few ideas and tips on how you can create fabulous Princess Birthday Cakes.

Princess Doll Cake

This type of cake is made using a real doll and is essentially a dome shaped cake base with a doll inserted into the middle and then decorated.  It can be made in several ways.

One way is to use a pudding basin or similar shaped glass bowl as the cake pan.  This gives a nice dome shape that forms the dress.  Cut the middle out of the dome and insert a doll whose legs have been wrapped in plastic.  Then ice and decorate the cake as desired.

Here is a photo of a doll cake I did for my daughter using a pudding basin for the base…

The following video demonstrates a different way to make the cake using several cake bases joined together.  The effect is very similar and gives a bigger base.

Princess Castle Cake

Sometimes the princess just wants the castle.  To make a princess castle cake, start with a slab and then add different levels to the castle by cutting and sculpting.  The base may be round, square or rectangle.  To make the towers, upturned ice cream cones do the trick.

Below is a great example of a castle cake that looks complicated but when broken down is quite easy.

Photo courtesy of cr9245

Here’s how this cake has been built:

1.  A slab as the base using a square cake pan and this cake recipe.

2.  On top of the slab two round cakes have been stacked together and iced.  Using a round cake pan, and the same recipe as in step 1, bake 2 round cakes.  Just make sure the round cakes are smaller than the square base (a 3, 4 or 6 inch pan will work in most cases).

3.  Cupcakes have been added to each corner and on the top.  These are the base for upturned waffle cones that form the towers.

4.  The cake has been iced using one shade of blue icing all over and then heaps of candy and lollies for decoration.  It looks like a white chocolate block has been used for the door, and pieces of white chocolate for the windows.

5.  Icing has been piped onto the cones to provide some detail and decorations around the base of the cake to create a moat.  A nice touch is the trees that have been created using the waffle cones again and simply piped with green icing.

Disney Princess Cake

Another option for creating princess birthday cakes is to base the cake on one or all of the Disney Princesses.  Choose from Cinderella, Ariel, Jasmine, Aurora or Snow White.

This may sound daunting however the below photo shows a simple way to approach it – create a scene from ready made Disney Princess Figurines and cutouts.

Photo by Dave Q

There are plenty of decorations, figurines and toys that can be purchased to build a scene like this one.

Your Princess Cake

The final idea for princess birthday cakes is to create something unique to your little princess.  Personalise the cake with her name, add a crown, a wand and you’ve got a very special cake.  Here’s a great example…

Photo by cbgrfx123

So there are some great ideas for princess birthday cakes.  I hope they inspire some thoughts for you to create your own masterpiece.

If you have any questions or comments on princess birthday cakes, please leave them below.